Sunday, August 23, 2009

College, College Here We Come

In this initial blog, please enlighten me as to where you hope to be at the beginning of the school year in 2010. What colleges do you plan to apply to and do you have a first choice?


  1. I plan to apply to CU and CSU. I want to stay in Colorado, so either school would be fine with me. I'm hoping to get into both and then spend time with my brother up at CU and friends at CSU to get a better feel which school is right for me.

  2. I am going to attend uccs. university of colorado in colorado springs. i plan on applying there and there only because i am playinh soccer there.

  3. I am applying to Western Washington University, Evansville University, CSU and possibly Indiana University. Western Washington University is my first choice.

  4. I hope to be in college, that's all I'm really sure of. As of now my first choices are Rice University in Houston, Washington University of St. Louis, and Santa Clara University. However, I am applying to quite a few more, just for good measure.

  5. I hope to be attending school at the University of Denver, which is my number one choice, though I am also applying to the University of Colorado and possibly some schools in California.

  6. I am looking into CU Boulder, CU Denver, DU, Colorado College, Oregon, and Puget Sound. My first choices are the four in-state, but especially CU Boudler because then I would plan on attending their med school.

  7. I am planning on applying to Amherst, Lafayette, Hamilton, and Bates. At some point there might be some others but for now that is it. Amherst is my first choice and I would be most excited to go there, but any of the schools would please me.

  8. the universities i plan to apply to are, university of hawaii, university of colorado, metropolitan state college, san diego university, western state college, university of northern colorado.

  9. I plan on applying to Seattle Pacific, Seattle University, University of Washington and probably CU and CSU. Maybe some other places. CU and CSU are a last resort, I want to go somewhere far, far away, like Seattle!

  10. I am applying to University of Arizona, Naropa University, CSU, and UNC. My top choice is Naropa University.

  11. In the Fall of 2010, I plan to be in college no question in my mind. The universities I plan to apply to are CU,CSU,KU,U of A, ASU, and basically any school in Southern California. My first choice for college would be to be in California, but I'm guessing I'll probably end up going to CU. I'm not sure what schools in Cali yet, but I will figure that out ASAP.

  12. Next year I really hope to be at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. I am also going to apply to the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado State University in Fort Collins, and South Dakota State University in Brookings.

  13. In the fall of 2010 I will be attending UNC or CSU. I want to become a nurse and UNC has one of the best nursing schools in the nation.

  14. I am planning to apply to the following 13 colleges this coming year:
    Franklin and Marshall
    Santa Clara
    University of Puget Sound
    American University
    St. Olaf
    Bryn Mawr
    Mount Holyoke

    I am planning on applying early decison to Franklin and Marshall.

  15. I plan to apply to Cornell, Harvard, Purdue, and Stanford. My first choice would be Stanford because of its location in Palo Alto, California, its prestigious academics, and its consistently strong baseball program.

  16. I plan on going to the following colleges. The main one i wnat to go to is Weber. I'm planning on applying to BYU, Weber, Western, and Utah Vally.

  17. The universities I plan to apply to are Texas Christian University, University of Colorado, Southern Illinois University, Pepperdine Universtiy, Denison University, University of the Pacific, and maybe a couple others. My list may change as I look further into these schools. My first choice right now is Texas Christian Universit because I visited the campus over the spring and visited my friend who is also on the swim team and loved it! I loved the campus, people I met, location, and the coach. I think I would fit there very well academically also. I also like that its not too far away from home, but still out of state.

  18. I plan on apply to CU as well as University of Utah, University of Washington in Seattle, Claremont, Washington University in St. Louis and Pitzer College. My first choice for school, however, is Claremont McKenna College in California. It is a small liberal arts college that provides everything I want in a school.

  19. The universities I plan to apply to are Montana State and Western State and my first choice would be Montana State.

  20. I plan to apply to UCCS. I want to stay in Colorado and I've visited a couple schools but that school seemed like the only school that had what I wanted to major in and that I actually liked.

  21. I really want to go to Europe to ride horses for a year, but at this point it is not a for sure thing. So I am going to apply to the University of South Carolina, Texas A & M, and West Texas A & M because I really want to go out of state so that I can branch away from my parents a little bit.

  22. In the fall of 2010 I plan on being in college. I plan to apply to CU, Montana State, Washington University in St. Louis along with some others. I would love to get into CU or Montana State. I plan on studying for an engineering degree.

  23. Hi, Mrs. Moritz, my name is Colton. I plan to apply to CU, CSU and Montana State University. If I somehow find $100,000 i'll probably apply to Westmont, in Santa Barbara, California. My first choice is Montana State.

  24. I plan to attend ACC to get the college feel and get my grades up to standards. Once I transfer or graduate I plan to attend the construction school at CSU and major in construction managment.

  25. I plan on applying to Azusa Pacific, Loyola Marymount, Vanderbilt, and SMU.

  26. I'm applying to CU, CSU, Syracuse and Missouri. Syracuse would be my first choice, but it is very very expensive so i'll prob just go to CU.

  27. College will be a great adventure. I hope in August of 2010 I get to be meeting my rooommate, and unpacking boxes. My dream school, and the only school that matters to be honest, is George Mason U. It's so green and new and beautiful. It's a large liberal arts school 20 minutes outside of D.C. Perfection. My back up plan is Virginia Commonwealth U., the CU of Virginia. Also, a large liberal arts school, but not quite as pretty. But everyone needs a backup plan. George Mason is the goal though. My light at the end of the educational tunnel.

  28. I plan to apply to Queen's University Belfast, Colorado Christian, Regent and Western Bible College.

  29. I plan on applying to Lewis and Clark, Macalester, Beloit, and Lawrence. They are all smaller colleges out of state. I would like to go to a smaller college because I enjoy learning in that kind of classroom environment. My top choice would probably be Lewis and Clark.
